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(Ecumenical Christian Helping Hands Organization)

Volunteers helping Jefferson County residents
live independently

News - July 2012

July 2012
It’s Time Again for the Jefferson County Fair!

Once again, in order to raise public awareness, 2012 Fair logoECHHO will have a booth set up at this years fair. The fair is open Friday and Saturday, August 10 & 11 from 10:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Sunday August 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We are looking forward to seeing you there. If you have friends and neighbors who are not familiar with ECHHO, please encourage them to visit our booth to learn more about what ECHHO does, meet some of the volunteers at the booth, and learn how they may volunteer as well.

Just a reminder . .

We do our best to help all that we can, but sometimes we are not able to be of assistance to some individuals, particularly patients that have mobility issues. When the office gets a request for transportation, we try our best to ascertain if they are able to enter and leave a volunteer's vehicle with no or very limited assistance. If they are not, they must be accompanied by either a professional care giver or some other person who is qualified to provide lifting assistance.

If the volunteer feels comfortable offering a steadying hand, that is within the guidelines. However, if you find yourself with a care receiver who is unable to transfer her/himself, let the ECHHO office know immediately. We all want to help as much as we can and must prioritize the safety of the care receiver as well as the volunteer.

Thanks again for all you do!

ECHHO volunteers are so appreciated by those they help. We at the office receive thanks every single day from those we serve. Your selfless acts of kindness and your willingness to help are exemplary for our community!

Local Auto Repair Shop Offers Discount to ECHHO Volunteers

Do you have your ECHHO Volunteer ID Card? If you show your card to the folks at AutoWorks, 2313 3rd Street, Port Townsend (phone 385-5656) you will be given a 10% discount (up to $50.00 off) on auto repairs. Thank you AutoWorks and all of our local business’s that offer support to ECHHO!

TOTAL Rides to Medical Appointments Other Volunteer Services Volunteers Participating Miles Driven
115 256 160.5 95.5 32 3,061 126

To make a monetary donation, mail your check to
ECHHO, 1110 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368.
If you would like to donate medical equipment or volunteer, please call us
at (360) 379-3246 or email us:
Thank you for your support!
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Previous newsletters can be viewed here.

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