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(Ecumenical Christian Helping Hands Organization)

Volunteers helping Jefferson County residents
live independently

News - March and April 2013

March & April 2013

ECHHO Welcomes New Volunteers for 2013

We wish to extend a very warm welcome to our newest volunteers and look forward to their service to the community. The much needed help that they will provide will enable many of our neighbors to live with a higher level of dignity and independence. Thanks for your kindness, caring and generosity.

Welcome aboard Sandy, Pat, Diane, Cheron, Sue, Gwen, Kathy, Larry, Bev, Phil, and Tim.

Thank You Jefferson Healthcare!

Jefferson Healthcare has made a generous donation to ECHHO of six over bed tables. These are frequently requested items of medical equipment, and in the past we have not had enough in stock to meet the demand. Thanks to Jefferson Healthcare, we will now be able to offer more loans of this important piece of equipment.


The first quarter of the year is always a busy time for ECHHO and especially so this year. The ECHHO Board worked to develop a Strategic Plan for ECHHO for the next three to five years to help guide us in our services. We will be focusing more effort on our volunteers - recruitment, retention, recognition and just general thank you's. We also want to continue to tell ECHHO stories to everyone who will listen. And, of course we need to continue our efforts to make sure the organization remains financially sound.

We also put together this year's annual report. Our fifteenth anniversary year set service records again and the new year is starting off just as strong. By next month, we should have an annual report brochure available at the office for anyone who is interested!

A New and Easy Way to Help Raise Funds for ECHHO!

Jatna Donating and Fundraising Jatna is an online fund raising platform that makes fund raising for charities, schools, churches, spiritual groups, clubs, events, non-profit organizations, and for-profit organizations very simple. Jatna is free and easy to use. Here's how it works...

Thousands of online stores (like, iTunes, etc.) offer commissions to websites (like Jatna) for bringing them internet shoppers (like you). Rather than keeping the commissions generated from your online purchases, Jatna shares these commissions with your favorite non-profit organizations - in our case ECHHO. Every time ECHHO earns more than $50 in commissions Jatna sends us a check. There is no cost to you.

From the Jatna home page, search for ECHHO. When you find it, click on it, and you'll be directed to the Jatna fund raising page. From there, you can find over 3,000 online stores that are partnered with Jatna. Stores include Amazon, Target and Walmart among many others and there are even travel sites like Travelocity and office supply stores like Staples. Commissions generated from your online shopping trips will be shared with ECHHO.

It's that easy! Here's their website:

Rides to Medical Appointments Other Volunteer Services Volunteers Participating Miles Driven
Feb. 111 235.5 166 69.5 34 3,434 150
March 135 319 237.5 81.5 43 5,104 175

To make a monetary donation, mail your check to
ECHHO, 1110 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368.
If you would like to donate medical equipment or volunteer, please call us
at (360) 379-3246 or email us:
Thank you for your support!
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Previous newsletters can be viewed here.

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