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(Ecumenical Christian Helping Hands Organization)

Volunteers helping Jefferson County residents
live independently

News - December 2013

December 2013

Christmas greeting

and Happy Holidays from all of us
at the ECHHO office!

Compassion Candle

As our life's journey embarks on a new year, let it be guided once again by the light of compassion that was ignited over 2,000 years ago - a light that inspired the founding of ECHHO and provides a beacon of hope for so many of our neighbors who need the compassionate help that the ECHHO volunteers offer.

Since our beginning in 1997, we have served thousands of people in need without regard to their beliefs or any criteria other than their need for help. This year we will serve over 1,000 unique individuals for the first time - approximately 1 out of every 30 people in Jefferson County!

Thanks to the generous support of our community, we shall continue to carry that beacon of hope that so many depend upon.

The Christmas spirit of giving is with us all year long and it is that ongoing expression of compassion that ECHHO is so proud of.

A Year of Support

As we close out the year 2013 here at the ECHHO offices, we are grateful for the support we have received from our volunteers and many people in the community here in Jefferson County and beyond. We have been fortunate to recruit new volunteers to help share in the labor of love that is ECHHO and we have been helped by an increased community recognition of the services you - our volunteers and supporters - provide. We were very fortunate this year to receive the help of the Norcliffe Foundation, the Port Townsend Rotary and a private donor in helping to build a sound infrastructure for training, telephone support and computer technology.

Our office volunteers were also there to help - making sure phones were answered and drivers recruited. We literally could not have done so much without their help.

We receive dozens of cards every year from folks whose lives have been touched by your service; as we sometimes receive notes from volunteers who have been touched by care receivers. We have reproduced one of those notes below to give you some idea of the appreciation so many people feel.

Thank you note

Rides to Medical Appointments Other Volunteer Services Volunteers Participating Miles Driven
134 344.5 243 101.5 42 5,175 158

Thank you from all the staff at ECHHO!
To make a monetary donation, mail your check to
ECHHO, 1110 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368.
If you would like to donate medical equipment or volunteer, please call us
at (360) 379-3246 or email us:
Facebook  Meet us on facebook.

Previous newsletters can be viewed here.

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