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(Ecumenical Christian Helping Hands Organization)

Volunteers helping Jefferson County residents
live independently

News - May 2014

May 2014

Join us for the 79th Annual "Roaring Rhody" Festival Grand Parade
on Saturday, May 17, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm!

ECHHO truck in previous paradeIt is getting close to Rhody time time in Port Townsend and once again ECHHO will be represented in the parade. Like last year, we will decorate Walt Hill's truck (our equipment manager) and include our "float" in the UGN section of the parade.  There is room for 4-5 folks to ride in the back of the truck and as many as would like to can walk along the parade route with the truck.  Those of us who joined the parade last year had a really great time and truly felt the appreciation of our community for the services ECHHO provides. Please consider joining us for this event - it is fun and rewarding. Generally we need to line up around noon that day - we will be in the UGN section - which we do not yet know where that will be. Let us know if you would like to join in and we'll get the details to you when we get nearer the time.

You are invited to this Port Ludlow Wellness Forum!

Port Ludlow Welness Forum

For more details, please see Port Ludlow Health Forums.

ECHHO is recruiting volunteers!

Every year we try to recruit new volunteers to assure there are as many people as possible to share the driving and other service opportunities that are presented. These past several months have been difficult as we have had several care receivers with serious illnesses and heavy needs. You - our volunteers - have done an extraordinary job helping these folks and others who have called on us.

As people learn about ECHHO services, we want to make sure there are more volunteers to help these folks. If you know of people who might be interested in joining ECHHO as a volunteer - particularly as a volunteer driver, please let us know. We will be happy to send information to recruit directly in your name.

We are also always looking for ways to reach people directly in the community. Last month we spoke to the Kiwanis Club and the Washington Association of Retired Teachers. We will go the the south county to talk with the Brinnon Senior Association and hope to speak with other organizations as well.

If you have ideas or suggestions about ways or places to recruit new volunteers, please let us know. If you have a place to put up a recruiting poster - at your church, club or other location, let us know and we will send you as many full size copies of this poster as you can use.


ECHHO Poster

RotaryThank You Rotary!

We wish to express our thanks for the continued support of ECHHO offered by the Port Townsend Rotary Club. Together, we are making a wonderful difference in the lives of our neighbors in need!

We can all be proud of our past accomplishments and look forward to being of service to the community in the years ahead!

Record Number
Rides to Medical Appointments Other Volunteer Services Volunteers Participating Miles Driven
Record Number
134 438.5 327 111.5 39 6,141 144

To make a monetary donation, mail your check to
ECHHO, 1110 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368.
If you would like to donate medical equipment or volunteer, please call us
at (360) 379-3246 or email us:
Facebook  Meet us on facebook.

Previous newsletters can be viewed here.

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