Our Services

No-Cost Travel to Medical Appointments

We give rides to medical appointments and other essential services.

We need 2 weeks advance notice to schedule appointments. That way our volunteers can schedule your ride into their week. Each rider must be able to get in and out of vehicles with minimal assistance, or be accompanied by a caregiver who can assist. If your medical condition changes, and you need real medical transport, ECHHO will refer you to a different agency.

One Easy Step to Becoming a Rider with ECHHO:

Call 360-379-3246 to sign up for rides by simply talking to our Dispatcher. The Dispatcher will take your information, create a member profile for you, and schedule your first ride, or any ride thereafter if you like. You’re done!


  1. If you want to login yourself and request rides, you can sign up through the Dispatcher (see above), then get your Member ID and temporary password from the Dispatcher, this will be in an email that you open.

  2. We will train you (if needed) to utilize your login and start scheduling your own rides to essential medical services that you cannot find alternative transportation to. Best practice is to say “forgot Login” when you open our software for the first time. With your Member ID and temporary password, you can login and change your password to something you can remember. That’s it!

No-Cost Loans of Medical Equipment

To borrow, donate or if you have questions, please call 360-379-3246.

We lend wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, bath seats, commodes, hospital beds and other medical equipment free of charge to anyone who needs them. Equipment pick up and return times between 9am and 4pm, Monday through Friday only. Hospital beds are stored at a different facility, and an appointment must be made for pick up and drop off.

For donations of equipment, you also must call ahead for an appointment. If your equipment is needed and in excellent condition, and approved, we’d be happy to receive it.

We are currently working on loading up our software for our lending library (through MyTurn, a wonderful tool for free libraries all over the country). Soon, you’ll be able to become a member of our library, see what we have on hand, and possibly reserve equipment. We’ll keep you posted on our progress.